
January 2025 Newsletter

Happy New Year!


January is Mental Wellness Month
January 18 we are celebrating Mental Health Resources Day in Houston, TX!

Mental Health Resources Day 2025

Mental Health Resources Day

With Mental Health Resources Day, we aim to educate the community of local, state, and national resources available for mental health support, from local psychiatrists to NAMI. With speakers from SAMHSA, the Houston Recovery Center, and so many other local services, this event is sure to be both fun and informative!

Volunteer Spotlight

This month we are spotlighting Jimi! Jimi has become an Emerging Scholar through the Emerging Scholars Fellowship Program with Active Minds, and we are lucky enough to have him as a volunteer! He is a valued team member and we are so thankful that he helps with our Youtube channel. Thank you, Jimi!

DAISY’s Book Club

Reading has been shown to improve empathy, and it can help us use our phones less, so reading is a great hobby to pick up! This month, DAISY recommends The Anxious Generation by Johnathon Haidt. This book is really informative on the mental health issues that kids, teens and young adults are now facing with the onslaught of technology, social media and ever-changing social pressures. 

DAISY's Book Club January

Thank you for joining us on this mental health journey! Follow us on Instagram,  Facebook or LinkedIn to stay up to date. 

Your friend,


DAISY | Creative Mental Wellness

September 2024 Newsletter


September is Suicide Prevention Month
September 8-14 is National Suicide Prevention Week
September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day
September 13 is Positive Thinking Day

5 Action Steps for Helping Someone in Emotional Pain

Volunteering: Healing Through Helping 

While self-care and mental health often focus on introspection and self-help, volunteering is a powerful yet often overlooked resource for enhancing well-being. By helping others, we also help ourselves. Volunteering pushes us out of our comfort zones, allowing us to develop new skills and build self confidence as we see the positive impact we can make. Additionally, it fosters genuine connections based on shared values and missions, offering a sense of belonging and camaraderie that boosts our mental health. Through these connections, we are reminded that we are not alone in our struggles, creating a supportive network that enhances our emotional well-being.

Volunteering also helps counteract negative emotions associated with mental health challenges, like depression and anxiety. By focusing on others, we shift our perspective from personal struggles to gratitude for our own blessings, fostering resilience and equipping us to handle life’s challenges. As we seek mental wellbeing, we must recognize the transformative potential of helping others. Embracing volunteering is a win-win strategy that impacts both our communities and ourselves, providing healing for the self through helping others.

Updates in the Mental Health Sphere and DAISY’s World

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, preteen suicide rates have been rising since 2008.

Talking to Kids About Suicide

Mental Health Resources Day 2025

Thank you for joining us on this mental health journey! Follow us on Instagram,  Facebook or LinkedIn to stay up to date. 

Your friend,

DAISY | Creative Mental Wellness

August 2024 Newsletter


August 8 is Happiness Happens Day 
August 30 is National Grief Awareness Day
August 31 is International Overdose Awareness Day and National Eat Outside Day

National Grief Awareness Day

National Grief Awareness Day: An Opportunity for Honoring Loss and Healing

August 30th, National Grief Awareness Day, offers a poignant reminder of the universal experience of loss and the importance of supporting those who are grieving. Established to acknowledge the various forms of grief individuals may endure — from the loss of a loved one to the aftermath of significant life changes — this day serves as an opportunity for education, compassion, and healing. 
One of the primary objectives of National Grief Awareness Day is to promote understanding and empathy towards those who are grieving. It encourages open conversations about loss and provides an opportunity for individuals to share their experiences without fear of judgment or misunderstanding. By raising awareness about grief, we can create a more supportive environment where people feel validated in their emotions and supported in their journey toward healing.  Also, understanding that grieving a loss is a process helps us remember to continue to reach out to those who have grieved a loss in the past; grief may still be recurring and checking in with them can show support and stave off feelings of isolation and loneliness. 

Updates in the Mental Health Sphere and DAISY’s World

You can visit our new website and YouTube channel, but they are still under renovation! You can also still keep up with us through this newsletter and our socials

In light of National Eat Outside Day, “Spending time in nature — even as little as 10 minutes — can yield short-term benefits for adults with mental illness, according to a new study published in the peer-reviewed journal Ecopsychology.”

Mental Health Resources Day 2025 Save the Date

Thank you for joining us on this mental health journey! Follow us on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn to stay up to date.

Your friend,

DAISY | Creative Mental Wellness

July 2024 Newsletter


July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month! 

July 3 is Start the Conversation Day
July 8 is OneofusisMissing Day
July 23 is Women Touched by Addiction Day

Starting the Conversation  

Having regular conversations about mental health to break the stigma

July 3rd is Start the Conversation Day, which makes it a great day to have conversations about mental health. LaShawn Paul, founder of Start the Conversation Day,  founder and lead clinician of Social Work Diva said in an interview for Bustle, “It takes one person to start the conversation, but everyone else has to be willing and open and vulnerable.” Start the Conversation with your friends and loved ones on mental health, and be willing to listen when they share – whether it’s sharing personal experiences, discussing new statistics, or providing valuable information. It can be intimidating to have these uncomfortable conversations, but the more often you do it the less uncomfortable they will become.

stop stigma - talk about mental health

Talking about mental health can help you and those you tell feel less alone. It can really deepen your emotional connections with your loved ones when you share your mental health struggles, stories, or coping strategies. Sharing experiences can create a sense of solidarity and reassurance, dispelling feelings of isolation and fostering empathy.

Moreover, discussing mental health openly helps break down the barriers of stigma that still surround these issues. Each conversation serves as a small yet powerful step toward challenging misconceptions and normalizing discussions about mental well-being. As conversations become more frequent and normalized, the stigma surrounding mental health diminishes, paving the way for greater acceptance and support within communities.

While it’s natural to feel hesitant or uncomfortable at first, the benefits of starting the conversation outweigh the initial discomfort. Talking about mental health not only enhances personal well-being but also contributes to a more compassionate and understanding society. So, on Start the Conversation Day and beyond, let’s embrace the opportunity to speak openly and compassionately about mental health, fostering connections and breaking down stigma one conversation at a time.

DAISY’s  Random Acts of Kindness
These are some ways DAISY is spreading kindness this month

  • Talking about mental health with her friends of course! She is starting the conversation! She is also going to be listening actively when they share about mental health.
  • Sharing information and resources on mental health – like this article on gratitude.
  • Connecting with her friend by practicing self care together. DAISY will help break the stigma by sharing her favorite self care activities with her friend – like reading a book she enjoys with a hot tea.
self care mental health

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation has some other great ideas, and they even have a calendar with a different act of kindness every day!

Thank you for joining us on this mental health journey! Follow us on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn to stay up to date. 

Your friend,

DAISY | Creative Mental Wellness

June 2024 Newsletter


June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month! 
June 27 is PTSD Awareness Day 


We are gearing up for Mental Health Resources Day 2025, to be held in Houston again. We are so grateful for our participants in our 2024 event, and hope to have even more speakers and more fun in 2025. 

If you or someone you know would like to speak,  provide sponsorship,  or otherwise get involved with our MHRD 2025,  you can respond to this email or reach out to
Please also share our flyer!

mental health resources day 2025

Just a Piece of You   

How “just” puts a lid on you and those around you

“I am just a student.”
“They are just a cashier.”
“I am just a civil engineer.” 

Most of us have found ourselves saying something like that. Whether we’re trying to put ourselves down or simply downplay our accomplishments, the word “just” tends to sneak into our vocabulary more often than we realize. But what if I told you that every time you use that word, you’re inadvertently putting a lid on your own potential and diminishing the uniqueness of those around you?

In a world where labels often define us, it’s easy to fall into the trap of reducing ourselves and others to mere titles or roles. But the truth is, behind every “just” lies a wealth of experiences, talents, and aspirations waiting to be acknowledged and celebrated.

Take the example of a student. Sure, they may spend their days buried in textbooks and lectures, but they’re also dreamers, thinkers, and future leaders in the making. By slapping a “just” in front of their identity, we limit their potential and overlook the countless ways in which they contribute to the world around them.

Similarly, when we refer to someone as “just a cashier” or “just a civil engineer,” we fail to recognize the complexity of their skills and the value they bring to their respective fields. Behind the uniform or the job title lies a person with a unique story, passions, and talents that extend far beyond the confines of their profession.

But it’s not just about how we perceive ourselves—it’s also about how we perceive others. When we label someone as “just” anything, we place them in a box, effectively shutting out the possibility of seeing them for who they truly are. This not only limits our understanding of their potential but also perpetuates stereotypes and undermines the richness of human diversity.

So the next time you catch yourself using the word “just,” pause for a moment and consider the implications. Instead of diminishing yourself or those around you, embrace the full spectrum of human potential and celebrate the uniqueness of every individual.

Thank you for joining us on this mental health journey! Follow us Instagram, X,  Facebook or LinkedIn to stay up to date. 

Your friend,

DAISY | Creative Mental Wellness

April 2024 Newsletter


April is National Stress Awareness Month and National Minority Health Month
April 2nd is Autism Awareness Day
April 7th is World Health Day.
April 12th is the Day of (No) Silence.

Stress Survival Guide  

How to cope with stress

April is appropriately deemed the National Stress Awareness Month… taxes, end of the semester approaching, allergies. We’re not going to tell you not to stress about these things -stress is a part of life and manageable stress can even be beneficial for your health. We are going to tell you some ways to help cope with and reduce the effects of your stress.

Physical health is a big part of managing stress, from exercise to nutrition and sleep. Physical activity is our number one recommendation for stress management! Especially if you can pair exercise with nature. Taking a walk around a park, roller skating at a skate park, hiking, and doing yoga in your backyard are all great examples of how to pair exercise with nature to help produce “happy hormones” and reduce the feelings of stress on your body. There are other ways to get moving though – dancing, cleaning, playing tag, and numerous other activities are great for your physical and mental wellbeing. Eating enough nutrient-rich foods is also important; without enough of the right nutrients, our bodies struggle to handle stress. Fiber has been shown to be incredibly important in maintaining gut health, which in turn helps take care of our brain’s health! Leafy greens, fruits and vegetables are great sources of fiber and should be incorporated into your diet when possible. Your diet is vital for your physical and mental health. Sleep is also very important, because our bodies use sleep to maintain our brains, immune systems, and memories. Getting enough sleep (typically 7-9 hours are recommended) and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule can be beneficial for your mental health and ability to manage stress. Your physical health is one of the most important factors in coping with stress.

DAISY’s Reading

The Cuckoo’s Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage by Clifford Stoll

The Cuckoo’s Egg is about an astronomer (Cliff Stoll) working as a systems manager at Lawrence Berkley Lab who finds an unwelcome visitor on Lawrence’s computer systems. With some help from the CIA, FBI, and foreign intelligence agencies, he unveils the hacker and the people supporting them. 

This book is a bit of a long read but it is quite a page-turner! DAISY wanted to keep reading to find out what Stoll and the hacker would do next. A really interesting read from a time before the internet was as accessible as it is now. 

The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage by Clifford Stoll

Thank you for joining us on this mental health journey! Follow us Instagram,  Facebook or LinkedIn to stay up to date. 

Your friend,

DAISY | Creative Mental Wellness

February 2024 Newsletter


February is International Boost Self Esteem Month, with
Random Acts of Kindness Week (Feb 11 – Feb 17) and
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (Feb 26 – March 3)

February is a great month to reconnect with our mental health practices, our friends, and nature. Despite the cold and gloom that many Americans are feeling, February can serve as a month to boost our mental wellness. As the New Year’s resolutions and accompanying excitement subside, try to practice self compassion and self care.

Connection as a Mental Health Tool  

How connection to others can benefit your mental health

Humans are social animals. We need to interact with others to thrive and survive. Connecting to others can provide us with many benefits, such as:

  • Improving our ability to recover from stress, anxiety, and depression (ie increasing RESILIENCE). Social connection can help us cope with negative emotions, provide us with emotional support, and enhance our ability to deal with adversity.  When we get to know people–and we allow them to know us–we can share our burdens and offer assistance and encouragement for navigating the travails of life.  Linking ourselves to others can lead to increasing our “cheering section”; people become invested in us and can provide much-needed encouragement.  This process strengthens our ability to recover from challenging times.
  • Promoting healthy habits and behaviors. Social connection can motivate us to eat well, exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy weight. When we know people care about us, we perceive we are valued and “seen”; feelings of worthiness can enable us to make healthy-er choices for our physical and mental health.  Connecting to others can even reduce the risk of engaging in violent and suicidal behaviors.
  • Improving our sleep, well-being, and quality of life. Social connection can help us relax, enjoy life, and feel satisfied.   It can also improve our self-esteem, confidence, and happiness.  Spending time with others allows us to discuss challenges and “vent” frustrations.  Having a trust-worthy outlet to express emotions–even the not-so-good ones (in a respectful way)–can prevent ruminating on them and/or an escalation of those emotions.   Having a trusted “sounding board” (i.e. someone whose intentions you know are positive/”good”) gives us the opportunity to obtain feedback and gain understanding through others’ perceptions.
  • Reducing our risk of chronic diseases and increasing our longevity. Social connection boosts the immune system, lower blood pressure, and protects us from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer.  When we feel better emotionally, we often feel better physically, too.  Experiencing connection can increase our sense of well being, which enhances our immune system and reduces inflammation in our bodies. It can also help us live longer, as people with stronger social connections are 50% more likely to survive than those with weaker connections.

DAISY’s Random Acts of Kindness

These are some ways DAISY is spreading kindness this month

Donate a book to a Little Free Library near you today!
  • Donating a book to a Little Free Library. DAISY finished reading Crying in H Mart by Michelle  Zauner. She really enjoyed it, and wants others to enjoy it as well, so she found a Little Free Library near her house.
  • Writing a letter to a loved one. Handwritten letters can brighten up someone’s day. Could you write a letter to your best friend, a parent, or teacher?
  • Taking a walk with her friend. This simple act is great to get DAISY and her friend outside, and allow them time to hang out in person. 

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation has some other great ideas, and they even have a calendar with a different act of kindness every day!

Thank you for joining us on this mental health journey! Follow us Instagram,  Facebook or LinkedIn to stay up to date. 

Your friend,

DAISY | Creative Mental Wellness

January 2024 Newsletter

Happy New Year!

We hope 2024 is off to a good start for you all.

Racing Thoughts?  

How to combat anxious thoughts and patterns

If at times you have difficulty slowing your thoughts, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!💚  Racing thoughts–relentless, fast-moving, and uncontrollable thoughts that appear one after another –at “best” are frustrating and at worst cause disruption in managing mental health symptoms and can negatively impact one’s quality of life.  While racing thoughts can be a symptom of various mental health conditions, including bipolar disorder, anxiety, and depression, they can also be just an irritating annoyance.  Racing thoughts can cause impediments in daily life, including difficulty concentrating, insomnia, anxiety, and stress. They can also interfere with daily life and affect an individual’s ability to function normally.  But…there IS good news!  Racing thoughts  can be successfully managed. 

To avoid racing thoughts, there are several things you can do. One of the most effective ways to manage racing thoughts is to practice mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation involves focusing on the present moment and observing one’s thoughts without judgment; this technique can help in becoming more aware of your thoughts and feelings and learn to control them better.  Even going to a quiet place for a brief period of time be helpful.  Deep breathing and focusing on something that usually makes you happy (like your child or a pet or an activity you always enjoy) is another easy-ish “tool” to use to gain control over chaotic thoughts. 

How to Combat Racing Thoughts

One way to help prevent racing thoughts is to engage in physical exercise regularly. Exercise has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels and improve mood. It can also help individuals sleep better at night, which can reduce the frequency of racing thoughts. 

Also, when we exercise, our bodies create chemicals (neurotransmitters) that help us feel better.  If all you can do is go outside and take a walk, you can change your mood and redirect your attention and thoughts. 


For persistent racing thoughts that are difficult to manage, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a method that professionals/mental health care providers can utilize to help people manage their undesirable and domineering thoughts. CBT is a type of therapy that helps individuals identify negative thought patterns and replace them with positive ones. This technique can help individuals learn to control their thoughts better and reduce the frequency of racing thoughts.

Racing thoughts–whether obsessive-compulsive thoughts, or a flight of ideas, or rumination–can vary in severity and be a challenging symptom of various mental health conditions. However, there are several things that individuals can do to manage them effectively. Practicing mindfulness meditation, engaging in physical exercise regularly, and seeking professional assistance via cognitive-behavioral therapy are all effective ways to avoid and manage racing thoughts.

What’s DAISY Reading?

Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner

DAISY is reading Crying in H Mart by Michelle  Zauner. She has really enjoyed reading this memoir. Zauner is a Korean-American who lost her mom to cancer when she was younger, and she feels a particular connection to her mom, culture, and childhood through food. As a lover of food and humans, DAISY feels really moved by this book. It has made her laugh, cry in her own puppet way, and appreciate her mom a little more. Michelle Zauner is also in a band called “Japanese Breakfast.”

Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner

Thank you for joining us on this mental health journey! Follow us Instagram,  Facebook or LinkedIn to stay up to date. 

Your friend,